Publication Policy

                                           The IIS University Journal of Social Sciences

                Publication Policy

Publication Rights and Copyright

Publishing rights are required in order to propagate and publish a research work. The authors transfer publishing and distribution rights to the journal publisher, including the right to publish the article on online platforms. Authors are also required to transfer copyright to the journal.

Responsibility of Editors

Articles submitted are first checked by Editorial Committee which decides the appropriateness of possible publication in the journal. The committee has the right to reject the article at the editorial level if the same is not found suitable, even before it is sent for review. Articles found to be suitable for possible publication are then passed through a double blind peer review process.

Peer Review Process

The journal follows a double blind peer review process which is unbiased and fair. The reviewers selected have expertise in the relevant field and are required to give their detailed opinion in a prescribed format. They can decide to accept, reject or suggest revisions in the article.

All submitted manuscripts are kept in strict confidence by both editors and reviewers. Any information or ideas obtained through the peer review process are to be kept confidential and not to be used for personal advantage.

Conflict of Interest

All authors are required to disclose any potential conflict of interest at the time of submission of manuscript.

Role of the Funding Source

Authors are required to declare the funding source, if any, in the submitted manuscripts in the form of acknowledgement.

Research Misconduct and Publication Ethics

The IIS University Journal of Social Sciences takes all types of potential misconduct very seriously. The editorial committee has the right to reject the manuscript if the publication ethics are not followed while conducting research. Information regarding this will be communicated to the authors and institution. Authors are expected to follow publication ethics with regard to authorship, dual submission, plagiarism, fabrication/manipulation of data and figures, competing interests and related research ethics.

Publication Charges

Authors are not required to pay any fee for the processing and the publication of the manuscript in The IIS University Journal of Social Sciences. The expenditure incurred on the publication of the journal is borne by The IIS University, Jaipur